BPW Acronyms
There are many acronyms or abbreviations used in the business process world. Business Process Analysis includes the following, some of which are broader than may be needed for much BPW:
ABC | Activity-Based Costing |
AD | Anno Domini |
ADS | Accurately Defined Systems |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
BAL | Business Architecture Language |
BAT | BPO Analysis Team |
BC | Before Christ |
BFS | Business Flight Simulator |
BISAD | Business Information System Analysis and Design |
BPA | Business Process Analysis |
Business Process Analyst | |
BPE | Business Process Engineer |
BPI | Business Process Improvement |
Business Process Innovation | |
Business Process Insourcing | |
BPL | Business Process Language |
BPM | Business Process Management |
Business Process Mapping | |
Business Process Maturity | |
BPMM | Business Process Maturity Model |
BPMN | Business Process Model and Notation |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing |
BPR | Business Process Redesign |
Business Process Reengineering | |
BPW | Business Process Work |
CAD | Computer Aided Design |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing |
CASE | Computer-Aided Software Engineering |
Computer-Aided Systems Engineering | |
CD-ROM | Compact Disk-Read Only Memory |
CEF | Critical existence factor |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CFF | Critical Failure Factor |
CFO | Chief Finance Officer |
Commission on Filipinos Overseas | |
CIV | Calculated Intangible Value |
CKO | Chief Knowledge Officer |
CML | Competence Management Language |
CMM | Capability Maturity Model |
CMMI | Capability Maturity Model Integration |
CODASYL | Conference on Data Systems Languages |
CSCW | Computer-Supported Collaborative Work |
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work | |
CSF | Critical Success Factor |
DEA | Data Envelopment Analysis |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EPDP | Executive Planning for Data Processing |
ERA | Entity Relationship Attribute |
FIFO | First-In First-Out |
FMS | Flexible Manufacturing System |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
HRM | Human Resources Manager |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
IBM | International Business Machines |
ICAM | Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing |
IDEF | ICAM Definition Method |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IS | Information System |
ISDL | Information System Description Language |
ISDM | Information System Description Model |
ISDOS | Information System Design and Optimization System |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISP | Information Systems Planning |
Internet Service Provider | |
IT | Information Technology |
JIT | Just In Time |
LDM | Language Definition Manager |
LIFO | Last-In First-Out |
MIA | Multivendor Integration Architecture |
MIS | Management Information System |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
MU | Monetary Unit |
NTT | Nippon Telephone and Telegraph |
O&M | Organization and Methods |
OECD | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OED | Oxford English Dictionary |
OMG | Object Management Group |
OPR | Object Property Relationship |
PC | Personal Computer |
PSA | Problem Statement Analyzer |
PSL | Problem Statement Language |
QPL | Quality Process Language |
SADT | Structured Analysis and Design Technique |
SEI | Software Engineering Institute |
SEM | System Encyclopedia Manager |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
STDL | Structured Transaction Definition Language |
SWOT | Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats |
TAG | Time-Automated Grid |
TBP | Target Business Process |
TOWS | Threats Opportunities Weaknesses Strengths |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
UML | Unified Modeling Language |
VHDL | VHSIC Hardware Description Language |
VHSIC | Very High Speed Integrated Circuit |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
WWW | World Wide Web |
WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get |